Category: Hanga | Create

Sneaker Art

For the past 3 days me and my class has been doing sneaker art.For my sneaker art I had to right stuff about me like whens my birthday or what is my name  try give sneaker art a go. Here is my work.


Book Recommendations

Today I have been learning about book recommendations. If you don’t know what book recommendations are, book recommendations are when you recommend a book to be read, as in encouraging another person to read the book and telling them they should read it.  Here is my work.


ComicQuest [Step It Up]

Today I have been doing the comicquest step it up task. The comic quest is where you make a comic about a theme and setting you choose and you make a little story about your comic check out my other blog post about the comicquest kick start. I had so much fun doing this task if you want to do this task you can find it  on summer learning joureny site. Here is my comicquest.


ComicQuest (Kick Start)

Today I have been doing the comic quest task kick start. Kick start means a easy task so you can get used to doing the task so then when we do the step it up we just have to step up the task.I enjoyed this task so much it was so much fun. If you want to find thisn task you can find it on the summer learning joureny . Here is my comic quest.

Grove pizza ( Step it up)

Today ls1 has been doing the grove pizza step it up. For the grove pizza step it up we had to make a cover for the beats we made for the kick start. Every one had a fun time doing this task . If you want to do this task you can find it on the summer learning joureny. Here is my cover for my grove pizza beats.

Christmas Sleighs

Today Group b has been making christmas sleigh. the first task we had to do was desiging our christmas sleighs after we design our sleighs we had to label the Materials I need to make our sleighs. Our second task was to make a google doc and and talk about the  materials we need and the steps to make the sleighs. Here is my work.