Tag: Cybersmart


For cybersmart I learnt about “what is media”. What is media, All media have a purpose: Inform: Some media exists to provide you with information. For example, news articles, educational videos, and textbooks.Entertain: Other types of media aim to entertain you. Movies, music, and video games fall under this category. I learnt about what is media, I enjoyed learning about media and I need to improve to learn more things about media. Here is my work.


School Supplies Wordfind

Today Miss Tele’a;s Cybersmart group had to make a word search. Mr goodwin told us about how to make a word search Mr goodwin showed a example about NRL. After He tolds us the steps we had 10 to 15 minutes to do the word search we had to pick 7 words. For my topic of my word search was school supplies. The 7 words I choose : Note book, scissor , Pencil, back pack, eraser, glue and glue tack.

Can you find the 7 words?

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