Category: Hanga | Create

The Wormhole!!!

I see a mysterious wormhole that would lead me to what i wondered.I hear birds chirping and  a light voice that muttered go inside the cave go inside the cave and it got louder and louder of every breath i took.I smell was the smell of nature and smell of animals and one thing that shock me was the smell of other people.  I feel rotten leaves rocks covered in grass and trees that felt a hundred years old.

Would you go in ???

Features of a Procedural Text.

Today I have been working on features of a procedural text . What is a procedural text is a text is a text that shows instructions and that shows you how to make something step by step. I did well at tracing, I enjoyed learning new things about procedural text and I need to work on adding more detail. Here is my work.



Howick Historical Village.

Today ls1 has been writing about the trip to the howick historical village. I had to write about how it was and what did I learn from it, The trip to the howick historical village was fun and I learnt a lot what they did in the past.One thing I loved learning was that you can make cream into butter just by mixing and shaking a jar full of cream by fricion. The butter was delicious it just tasted like normal blox butter. Walking around and looking at the houses was fun because I could see what houses people lived in the 1850s. My favourite House we looked at was the church because it shows me that they have what we have now but with no electricity. The last and my favourite activity was Building and riding the go carts one thing I learnt was that you had to steer with your feet not your arms I had alot of fun at the howick historical village I wish we could go back.

Here is my work.

  • Google Docs 101 Cybersmart Challenge 

Today’s Cybersmart Challenge is all about features inside of Google Docs. You do not need to use any other tools. This task can be completed within this Doc. 


    •   Change these bullet points to a checklist so you can tick off the tasks as you complete them.  
    • Add the date that you are completing this task to the title. You can use a smart chip by typing the @ key and then the word today without any spaces.  
    • Change the font of the heading on this document
  • Google Docs 101 Cybersmart Challenge
    • Cybersmart Challenge 
    • Use the Dictionary tool to find the definition of the word challenge.
      Add three synonyms here

      •  Evil/Bad
      •  Nice/Kind
      •  chair/seat 
    • In the space below, write out the maths problem: three divided by three with the answer using only numbers and maths symbols. If you can’t find the symbols you need, try inserting a special character.
    • 567÷78=7.269
    • 45÷6=7.5
    • Insert a header onto this doc with your first name
  • Valencia
  • Insert an image of your favourite animal here. Before you insert the image, click on the magnifying glass to preview your image and click on the name of the file of the image. Then copy the URL for where the image is from. Paste this below your image. 

If you need help with this task – check out this video.

  • Why do you like this animal? Use the voice typing tool to record your answer below. 

A monkey is my favourite animal because they’re cute


  • Use the word count tool to find out how many words this document uses. Type your answer here:  
  • 288
  • Share your mahi on your blog. This video here explains how to do this.