Category: Hanga | Create

Left pocket Right pocket

For art my class did left pocket right pocket we had to trace the jeans then go onto Google drawings and draw 6 items each for what country you want to go to if you don’t know what left pocket right pocket is its where you put things from on country in one pocket and then you chose another country and you findthings from there and you put it in you other pocket the places I choose was Tonga and samoa. Here’s what I would have in my left pocket with Tongan things in it.


For reading I had a task to Create a task of facts about why Chinese people to NZ. Chinese people migrated to NZ because mainly came from natural disasters, internal upheavals, and imperialistic aggressions in China during the 1840’s and 1850’s. The “pull” resulted from the discovery of gold in California and the economic opportunities in the United States.Chinese immigrants were particularly instrumental in building railroads in the American west, and as Chinese laborers grew successful in the United States, a number of them became entrepreneurs in their own right. Here is my work


Sally Sutton

On Tuesday Sally Sutton came to Panmure bridge to talk about books. First every class came into the hall to meet Sally Sutton we had to wait for the classes before we started after every one got into the hall Sally Sutton interduced herself to us after she read a book she made then she let us answer some Questions then she read us another book then we got a photo with her then we all wen’t back to class.


For cybersmart I learnt about “what is media”. What is media, All media have a purpose: Inform: Some media exists to provide you with information. For example, news articles, educational videos, and textbooks.Entertain: Other types of media aim to entertain you. Movies, music, and video games fall under this category. I learnt about what is media, I enjoyed learning about media and I need to improve to learn more things about media. Here is my work.