Year: 2023

Dialogue in wonder

This term in reading we are diving into a novel study for the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio.  This week we are focusing on what we can learn about the characters, especially through their dialogue.  Characters’ thoughts and feelings can be revealed through their dialogue.  This allows readers to make inferences about their internal perspectives and motivations.


We read Part One Chapters 5-7 which was about Olivia’s Brother
Valentine’s Day
Our Town
The Bus Stop
The Universe Part Six: August
North Pole
The Auggie Doll
Hearing Brightly
Via’s Secret
My Cave
Daisy’s Toys
The Ending Part Seven: Miranda
Camp Lies
What I Miss Most
Extraordinary, but No One There to See
The Performance
After the Show Part Eight: August
The Fifth-Grade Nature Retreat
Known For


Our first task was to choose dialogue from the relevant chapter and use the dialogue to infer what each of the characters’ thoughts may have been.

*embed your Driving task.


Our second task was to imagine we are part of a welcoming committee at Beecher Prep, and create a warm and inviting poster to welcome August, the main character in the story. Our poster had to reflect the school’s values of kindness, inclusivity, and diversity.


I enjoyed  doing this task

I need to improve on  adding more deatail

I did well at doing this task



This term PBS is getting ready for the gala in Week 8.  Our class is making pencil cases and bookmarks.  This week we did the design part of our process.  Here are my two designs. I chose the Pokemon design because I think most people like Playing Pokemon on their devices . chose the Roblox design because I kinda liked the style and the colour of it.

I need to improve on doing more designs and details.

I did well at trying my best and making my own cool design .

I enjoyed when we had to design it and blog it and choose a style and logo for it.

School gala

This Week for Maths , We had to do a bar graph about our quiz about our School Gala.

Here’s the results of my School Gala quiz .

This question is What year are you? .

Most people chose Year 5  And least colour that got voted was dark blue which mean Year one.

Year 6 had a pretty big chance of voting.

This is all the answers of all the questions about The school gala on Google Forms.

All of them seem to be having to much votes and least amount of votes . So this is what I had to do the bar graphs about on the answers.

I need to improve on doing more work about the bar graphs and doing some more data .

I did well at trying my best and doing my bar graphs correctly .

I enjoyed when we had to write the bar graphs about the School Gala answers.